3 Hydrating Cleansers For Dry Skin

best nourishing cleansers for dry winter skin balm oil cream formulas

My skin is dry all year round, let alone in winter. Thanks to the bitter winds and the constant movement between central heating and frosty temperatures, my face really feels the effects even more from November onwards. To keep my skin looking radiant and free from rough patches, I always amp up my entire skincare routine, starting with cleansers. During the colder months, this trio take pride of place on my skincare shelf and help my skin to stay healthy and hydrated.

oskia perfect cleanser nourishing balm review

First up, is my favourite cleanser of all-time - Oskia's Perfect Cleanser. For me, the name says it all. The brand's Renaissance Cleansing Gel gets a lot of coverage and is loved by many, including myself, but the Perfect Cleanser is a much better match for dry skin, especially in winter. This is a product that I must have in my stash at all times and I panic when I'm running low. From first use, this transformed my skin, to leave it clearer, softer and smoother than ever and, after recommending it to my Mum, she's now hooked on it too!

Enriched with a plethora of omegas, vitamins, prebiotics and natural oils, this cleanser is packed full of nutri-active ingredients which work to restore the skin's lipid barrier and protect. A seriously rich balm, this has a nourishing, comforting formula, ideal for dry and mature skin-types that crave some TLC. Initially, it feels slightly gritty, but it melts into a thick oil as you rub it in. Once you add water into the mix, the oil transforms into a light milk that lifts away any grime, without disrupting the natural balance of oils. Immediately after use, skin is left feeling soothed, plumped and moisturized. Although it doesn't give that squeaky-clean result (which I actually hate), this cleanser never clogs my skin or causes break-outs, as long as it's removed thoroughly. Dissolving even the most waterproof eye products in no time, the balm makes light work of makeup. Saying that, I prefer to use a micellar water to take off my makeup prior to using this, as it feels wasteful to double cleanse with such a luxurious product.

nude perfect cleanse omega cleansing jelly review gel to milk formula
I don't always need to use such an intense formula in the morning, so I'll often reach for the Nude Perfect Cleanse Omega Cleansing Jelly when I wake up. An all-natural brand, Nude use the best of nature's bounty to create products that include only ingredients the skin needs to be healthy. This particular cleanser is even vegan and gluten-free.

Containing omegas 6 and 9 to hydrate, bitter orange to soothe and annatto seed extract to purify, the Omega Cleansing Jelly has a mild formula that gently cleanses and calms sensitive skin. Jelly really isn't the right word for the texture of this product, so don't let the name put you off. It isn't lumpy and it doesn't wobble. Starting off as a thick gel, it then turns into a light oil as you work it in, before finishing off as a milk when emulsified and rinsed off. Once removed, there's no residue left behind, just a clean, soft feel. Skin is hydrated, but not overloaded, making it a great option for all skin-types to balance oil production. Annoyingly, I do find I need a bigger blob of this per use, so I do get through a tube more quickly than the others and, although this cleanser works well at removing the majority of makeup, it can fall a bit short when tackling heavy mascara. For those reasons, and because you only get 100ml for £30, I prefer to use this as a second cleanse in the evenings, after removing my makeup. It remains one of my favourites, though!

radical skincare hydrating cream cleanser review

Another cleanser that is perfect for dry, dehydrated skin is the Radical Skincare Hydrating Cleanser. Radical's brand focuses on creating anti-aging skincare that is kind to skin and full of anti-oxidants. I'm not quite at the stage where lines and wrinkles are a concern yet, but nourishing products targeted at anti-aging usually go hand in hand with my drier skin. Apparently, after two weeks of using this product, moisture levels in the skin are increased by 30%, which I can well believe as it works wonders.

Combining anti-bacterial aloe and grape seed to heal and soothe, almond milk to cleanse without stripping the skin, anti-inflammatory green tea to calm and tangerine oil to balance, this is another gentle formula. It does contain alcohol, which is known to be drying, but that certainly hasn't caused any issues for my skin. Again, this cleanser delivers a boost of moisture, but has more of a creamy consistency that feels light and refreshing. Radical describe this as a 3-in-1 formula which cleanses, tones and hydrates, but to be honest, I'd say that most hydrating cleansers do the same. As it's massaged into the skin, the cream sinks in completely and you can either wipe off any excess, or wash off with water to remove it, depending on your preference. After use, skin feels fresh, soft and smooth. As it doesn't have to be washed off, this is a great cleanser to keep on your bedside table for use on lazy mornings or nights. Although, if you use it straight over makeup, it's important to rinse with water rather than just tissue off the excess and to double cleanse, to get rid of every last scrap.

Which cleansers can't you be without in your skincare regime?



  1. I have yet to try any of these cleansers! But the Oskia one sounds like it is right up my alley. I have been reaching for my Lancôme Crème Confort cleanser so much this winter, as well as my LUSH Herbalism cleanser since it's a gentle acne fighter. xo

    Kelsey | www.abalancingpeach.com

    1. Oooo the Lancome cleanser sounds divine, I'll have to check that out soon :) x

  2. You have such a beautiful collection of cleansers here! I, too, have dry skin all year-round, so it's certainly a pain in the colder months. I'll definitely try out your recommendations here :)

    Style Sunrise☀


    1. Yeah, my skin can really suffer at this time of year! Let me know if you pick any up :) x

  3. I do suffer from dry skin but I like to use cleansers that help keep away spots as my chin can get quite oily x

    Leanne | www.oohsimplething.blogspot.co.uk

    1. It's so annoying when different parts of the face require different types of products, isn't it? Switching from spot-fighting products to richer formulas really helped to balance my oiliness/dryness and completely transformed my skin, a while back. I now just use clay masks once a week on my t-zone and chin and my skin stays pretty clear :) x

  4. Great products. I love the one from Nude.

    Kisses from Berlin
    Valentina | DAILY SUIT

  5. Thanks so much, you too! x

  6. I haven't tried any from these cleanser but would love to try the Oskia one as so many people seem to love their products! x

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

    1. Oskia is by far my favourite skincare brand, everything is AMAZING! x

  7. So nice to read about a different cleanser from Oskia for a change to the ever so hyped Renaissance version. It also sounds like a great option of this time of year when my skin is constantly dehydrated x


    1. Yeah, the Perfect Cleanser is totally overshadowed by the Renaissance Gel, but it's so much better, I think! x

  8. Very interesting suggestions, I've never seen these products before! I admit, I've always wanted to try something from that Nude brand.

    Samantha Series | bloglovin

    1. This cleanser is the first product I've tried from Nude, but now I'm definitely eager to purchase a few more :) x

  9. I have dry skin all year round gets even worse at this time of year. I'm Going to have check these out and maybe purchase one.
    Great post.

    1. Me too, it's so frustrating when skin is dry as nothing looks good on top of it! I hope you like them as much as I do, if you do pick one up :) x

  10. I have combo/oily skin but I love tissue off things for lazy days, or as a first step. So the Radical hydrating cleanser sounds nice and I also like the idea of the way the Oskia one works! Sounds awesome. I followed along, can't wait to read more!


  11. All of these sound so good! My skin definitely does get drier in winter but it's not too bad, I tend to just up my use of serums and it helps. The Nude Jelly sounds perfect for my skin :)

    Touchscreens & Beautyqueens

  12. The Nude cleanser sounds lovely! I haven't tried anything from the brand before! The Emma Hardie Moringa cleansing balm is one of my faves!

    Danielle's Beauty Blog

    1. I hadn't before I tried this cleanser, but I'm desperate to try more now! I loved the formula of the Emma Hardie balm, but couldn't stand the fragrance of it and much prefer Oskia's :) x

  13. I really want to try the Oskia Cleanser as it sounds lovely xx

    www.missmakeupmagpie.com ❤️

    1. It's such a gorgeous product and definitely worth a try! x

  14. These sound really really nice actually! The Oskia one is very tempting haha! Thanks for sharing! x


  15. Fab picks lovely, I only notice during the winter that my skin gets dry and it’s normally oily. The Oskia cleanser sounds amazing and something that I definitely need to try, and I love the sound of how your skin feels afterwards. I'm still really loving the LE Cleanse and Polish :)

    Charlee XO | CharmedCharlee

    1. Thanks so much :) It's by far the best cleanser I've ever used and it's perfect for re-balancing dry skin. So many people adore Liz Earle's Cleanse & Polish, but it never worked for me unfortunately. My skin didn't like all the strong essential oils in it, I don't think! x

  16. Amazing post♥


  17. These cleansers sound perfect for my skin type, I'll definitely be checking them out.


    1. I hope you love them just as much as me! :) x

  18. I haven't tried these but they all sound so lovely and hydrating - especially for the winter!! :)

    Hope you had a lovely Christmas hun! :)

    Layla xx


    1. I did, thanks! Hope you did also and Happy New Year! :) x


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