Loreal Infallible Fixing Mist Review

loreal infallible fixing mist setting spray review

I love setting sprays. They have the amazing ability to almost melt together makeup so that everything looks smooth, any chalky residues disappear and the longevity of your base is improved. Before now, I've always remained loyal to Urban Decay's selection, but with an influx of finishing mists flooding the high-street market recently, I thought I'd give some cheaper options a try. Starting with the Loreal Infallible Fixing Mist

Promising to set makeup so that it continues to look freshly applied all day, Loreal aren't afraid to brag about their anti-melt, anti-fade and anti-crack formula. But does it actually live up to those impressive claims? I must admit, I adore Loreal's latest addition to their Infallible line, but there's a niggling annoyance about it that I just can't get over. 

There's nothing wrong with the mist itself - it's light, gentle and doesn't leave me feeling soaked. When checking my makeup in the mirror after use, I'm always pleased to see that it softens the look of my base and creates an almost airbrushed effect. What puts me off, is that you can really feel it setting on contact with the skin. Straight away, it makes my face feel slightly tacky and tight, like I've just slathered a layer of glue onto it. It's not uncomfortable and it does disappear eventually, but it makes my makeup feel a lot heavier, even when wearing a sheer foundation or tinted moisturiser. Another thing I've noticed, is that any makeup you apply after using the spray, when touching-up for example, doesn't blend evenly. In particular, topping up with some concealer (which I've had to do a lot around my nose thanks to a recent bout of flu) is a nightmare. I'm often left with an obvious tide line that requires a lot of patience to buff out.

loreal infallible fixing mist setting spray review

But, those minor negatives contribute to why it's so brilliant at boosting the wear-time of your makeup. I never have to blot when I use this spray. Bear in mind that I have a normal to dry skin-type, but I usually have to powder my shiny t-zone once or twice throughout the day. It seals every product into place and prevents makeup meltdown better than any other product I've tried. My colour cosmetics, like blush and bronzer, stay strongly pigmented all day and night, without fading. Through sweat, humidity, cold winds and rain, this spray allows makeup to hold tight and not budge whatsoever. 

All the setting sprays I've used previously really refresh the skin and add a glow of some sort, whether a full-on, dewy sheen or subtle radiance. Loreal's version, however, definitely sets everything matte. Not unflatteringly so, but it sucks up every drop of oil in the skin, leaving no greasiness or shine behind whatsoever. Continuing to keep the skin balanced as the day wears on, I often find my makeup looking exactly the same at 3pm, as it did at 8am. Not bad, right? I imagine this would be a god-send for anyone with very oily skin, who struggles to find a foundation that doesn't slide off after a couple of hours.

One thing you must remember to do before applying this setting spray, is to give the bottle a vigorous shake before spritzing. The formula tends to separate, leaving a powdery layer at the bottom of the bottle and it's imperative to shake it up, in order for the ball-bearing inside to combine the solution.

As the Loreal Infallible Fixing Mist really does what it says on the tin bottle, I'm seriously impressed with it and I'm sure it will be a coveted addition to most people's makeup bag. As I'm not keen on the feel of it and don't always want a matte finish, I will continue to use my Urban Decay All Nighter Spray on a daily basis, reaching for Loreal's version on special occasions, when I need my makeup to stay put all day and night.

Which is your favourite setting spray?



  1. This is such a brilliant setting spray, such a great review!

    Parie x

    1. Aw thanks, Parie! It really delivers on its promises, doesn't it? :) x

  2. I've eyed this up in Boots so many times recently but was never sure whether to give it a go or not so it was nice to read an honest review! Luckily I'm a fan of a matte finish so I hope that this will work perfectly for me :) x

    Always, Alice

    1. I'm sure you'll love it even more than I already do then! :) x

  3. I wanted to give one of the Urban Decay ones a try last year but I never got round to getting one, actually I think the problem was the one I wanted was out of stock for the entire summer! I might have to pick this one up instead this year as I've heard good things and I like the sound of it providing a matte finish x

    Becky @ The Little Blog of Beauty

    1. Oh wow, which one was it?! I love the Urban Decay ones, but this is such a great, affordable alternative :) x

  4. I'm not sure I like the sound of the feeling on the skin, but I think I need to give this a try anyway as my skin is so ridiculously oily! Fab review :)

    Jess xo | The Indigo Hours

    1. The feeling isn't horrendous and it does start to wane after a while, so the results are worth putting up with it. Thanks, honey :) x

  5. I really need to start using setting sprays yet, since I hate feeling something on my skin, I think I will definitely prefer the UD All Nighter spray as well!


    1. Yeah, the heavy feeling that this gives definitely makes me prefer the feel of the UD sprays, but Loreal's is much better at improving longevity x

  6. I love this setting spray! I think its a good dupe for the Urban decay one. Although neither really pro longed my makeup wear but they definitely keep it looking fresher for longer. I really like the maybelline one. That definitely keeps my makeup on for longer! xx


    1. It looks like I'll have to give that one a try next, then! x

  7. I totally get what you mean about the sensation. I find this is really common with setting sprays at the moment. It's almost like you're putting hair spray on your face. It seems like are first but suddenly your skin can't breathe. It's things like this that really put me off!


    1. Yes, that's exactly what I was trying to say, but you've put it perfectly! I've only tried the UD sprays other this one, but I never find that they leave me with the same feeling. I'm not a fan of the sensation at all either, but I can't deny how effective it is at fixing everything in place so it literally will not budge! x


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